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a woRld of mIne
Saturday, August 29, 2009

I had abandon my blog totally! Its been a month?
School is crazy, but everything is over now!
Meeting up with darlings and ting ting. Loves.

Some photos. =)

Bakerzin last night with the girls! The classic cakes are going on a 50% discount till end of the month. Worthy! As for the food, not that fascinating but still acceptable. =)

11:33 AM

Friday, July 24, 2009

I had been neglecting my blog. =p

Alot to say, but i dont know to start from where...

Nafa test yesterday, today my whole body doesnt belong to mine anymore! So pain..
I am really glad that hui,effia,jave and jo was there to support me! Especially my jump! I think i pass my nafa. hee.. 2.4km jog and i got 16 mins and 21 secs, not that marvelous but i think i break my own record. haha! =)
Spells Happy.

11:42 AM

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Crazy workloads are killing me.. Having migraine since wednesday night. Great!

Anyway, i am not selected for Shanghai attachment because i got no "o" level chinese. This is really a very sad news for me. I was very looking forward to that though it would be a five months trip. No choice. =) To find ways to console myself, never go shanghai = more time with family and i can celebrate my birthday in sg.

I want to go Isetan Hokkaido Food Fair @ Tamp!

See all the food? Drools!

8:21 PM

Friday, June 26, 2009
♥ Transformer

Caught TRANSFORMER last night, double thumps up. The movie is filled with humor and excitement. I gave it 5stars. A movie not to be missed. The cinema was fulled yesterday, even though it is a thursday night. =)
I want to watch part 1 again.
♥ BumbleBee.

Now, cracking my brain for CURM PBL1 30%, hell. =( I cant wait for this sem to be over soon. ASAP!!

So looking forward to meet up with Tracy and Bel. =)
Fullerton chocolate buffet on the 11th. I cant wait for that day man. Sinful but distress!
I miss/heart(JKCD) too.

10:42 AM

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Feeling low...
Not much mood to go out recently.. Sorry. yup!
Good day ppl.

9:44 AM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Do you all experience a very happy moment but a minute later you will be feeling unhappy? This is life, i thought.. Things changed, humans changed, loves changed but to me the only thing that doesn't change perhaps is only the love from the "parents or siblings"?

Suddenly feeling so emotional, especially after watching the oldest conjoint brother from OKTO on monday. Tears flowed down my cheeks listening to their story, their life. They loved each other so much even though there will be quarrels and fights. After each fight they will kiss each other and apologized. So lovely. A very nice brother taking care of them, looking after them,loving them and never give up on his conjoint brothers. How sweet. This is love, something developed deep within human beings, giving and caring without anything in return but love. =)

Stop being emotional celeste!
Yup, i will.

Max Brenner is indeed sumptuous. The large chocolate fondue came with three types of chocolate, dark, milk and white. A mixture of all, perfect! It came with strawberries, bananas, mashmellow, banana cake and weiting add on "churros". Did i spell that correctly? I love churros, selling at orange julius too! Yummy! Now i understand why weiting keep going back there, its addictive. *cautious*! haha.

2:26 PM

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Finally the last test is over! Luckily what i wrote in the mind map can be used, the only thing is that the question are so tricky. No time to even checked what i wrote, scribble all the way. Sigh! Anyway, it is over! WEE!

Last sat met with my precious maddness! Meet ting in the noon first and off to body contour for back massage with buffet at only $10. Well, it was my very first experience and i actually forgot to ask ting what should i do. Therefore i feel so noob. "Carol" that massage lady asked me to take off my clothing and changed into the paper panty, after that, cover myself with a towel and she will come in. The room was really cosy and relaxing. Then, she applied the relaxing oil all over my upper body and start to massage. IT WAS DAMN GOOD! =) Anticipating for the next spa session with ting. This time round with scrubbing and steam bath!

After which, meet up with don and wen. Love chatting with them. muacks.

Yesterday went movie with shihui and effia. Caught Drag me to hell. It was so scary that i cuddle up like a little baby beside shihui. Keep putting my head on her shoulder. Sorry! I was really too scared but very fun. =) Thanks for watching that movie with me. =)

So excited over Max Brenner chocolate fondue later on! OMG! LOVES..

*Some overdue pictures. =)

10:59 AM